When a large refractive error is found in children, should we immediately order electroretinography? Review article

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Mateusz Zabochnicki
Dorota Pojda-Wilczek


Electroretinography is a useful tool used in diagnosing retinal disorders. Refractive errors are a common and increasing group of abnormalities, which, if undiagnosed, may lead to complications. Physiologically, i.e., refraction of the child’s eye, evolves from myopic or hyperopic after birth, towards emmetropic. However, high refractive errors tend to present with retinal diseases. Early electroretinography is a great diagnostic test that allows its detection. Because of that, it can help avoid loss of eyesight and prevent future implications. Unfortunately, low accessibility and interpretational difficulties are main barriers in wider implementation of that method.


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Zabochnicki M, Pojda-Wilczek D. When a large refractive error is found in children, should we immediately order electroretinography?. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2023Mar.31 [cited 2024Oct.22];10(1):24-3. Available from: https://www.journalsmededu.pl/index.php/ophthatherapy/article/view/2653


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