Direct brow lift – indications, diagnostics, operating techniques Review article

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Małgorzata Różycka
Piotr Nesterowicz
Katarzyna Różycka
Krystian Bakalarski
Katarzyna Ulaszewska
Alan Chamernik
Radosław Różycki


Eyebrow lift is one of the most effective rejuvenating procedures in facial plastic surgery. Lifting the aging soft structures around the eye socket yields both cosmetic and, in some cases, therapeutic effects. Regardless of the indications, preoperative assessment of the patient should be based on a thorough interview, establishing the patient’s expectations, determining the achievable outcome of the procedure, and anticipating potential complications. During the physical examination, it is crucial to identify relevant anatomical structures, assess facial symmetry, scope, and the technique of the procedure. Often, patients opt for combining direct eyebrow lift with eyelid surgery, significantly enhancing the overall result. The primary complication of direct eyebrow lifting is a visible scar, which may be a contraindication for individuals prone to keloid formation and those with a brow deficit. The aim of this study is to define the indications, diagnostics, and describe the surgical techniques used in eyebrow lift procedures.


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Różycka M, Nesterowicz P, Różycka K, Bakalarski K, Ulaszewska K, Chamernik A, Różycki R. Direct brow lift – indications, diagnostics, operating techniques. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2023Dec.31 [cited 2024Oct.22];10(4):312-9. Available from:
Surgery and laser therapy


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