The role of E2F2 in signaling pathways associated with cancer pathogenesis and potential treatment: A review of current studies Review article

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Julia Domańska
Kamil Poboży
Paweł Domański
Marta Fudalej
Andrzej Deptała
Anna Badowska-Kozakiewicz


Introduction and objective. E2F transcription factor 2 (E2F2) protein is the transcription factor that plays an important role in tumorigenesis. E2F2 effects the cell cycle, tumor suppressor proteins, and can also be transformed by proteins of small DNA tumor viruses. The objective of the study is to provide a summary of the current knowledge on the neoplastic pathways that involve E2F2.

State of knowledge. Numerous studies have demonstrated a role for E2F2 in various signaling pathways. Certain components of these pathways may serve as potential targets for oncological therapy. E2F2 has been shown to be associated with neoplasms of various locations and histological types (breast, colon, gastric, laryngeal, liver, lung, ovarian, pancreatic, and prostate cancers).

Conclusions. Further investigations of E2F2 pathways are warranted for a clearer understanding of neoplastic processes and to identify novel pharmacological treatments. 


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Domańska J, Poboży K, Domański P, Fudalej M, Deptała A, Badowska-Kozakiewicz A. The role of E2F2 in signaling pathways associated with cancer pathogenesis and potential treatment: A review of current studies. OncoReview [Internet]. 2023Jul.18 [cited 2024Oct.22];13(2(50):58-6. Available from:


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