Atorvastatin as a first choice drug in patients with impaired renal function Review article

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Krzysztof Pawlaczyk
Krzysztof Schwermer
Krzysztof Hoppe
Piotr Bręborowicz


Cardiovascular diseases are a serious medical issue in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), and their incidence is particularly high in end-stage renal failure. According to the latest guidelines, the vast majority of patients with progressive CKD is eligible for statin therapy, which in light of the available research reduces the risk of cardiovascular events in this group of patients. Statins are recommended for use regardless of the CKD stage, including patients treated with renal replacement therapy. Atorvastatin should be treated as a drug of first choice due to its proven nephroprotective effect. Unfortunately, many clinicians still believe that high-dose statin therapy in advanced CKD should be prescribed with caution. Changing this belief will probably be possible only after prospective randomized studies on a large group of patients are carried out.

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How to Cite
Pawlaczyk, K., Schwermer, K., Hoppe, K., & Bręborowicz, P. (2015). Atorvastatin as a first choice drug in patients with impaired renal function. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 8(4(29), 50-53. Retrieved from


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