Report on the XIX International Congress Polish Cardiac Society – Wroclaw, 1–3th October 2015 Meeting Proceedings

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Michał Ciurzyński


The 19th Annual Congress of the Polish Cardiac Society was held in Wrocław on 1–3 October 2015. The main scientific topic of the Congress was atrial fibrillation as an arrhythmia with great clinical significance. During the Congress, a number of topics of contemporary cardiology were discussed. The possibility of meeting with experts provided an opportunity to discuss and improve practitioners’ knowledge. Below we present a brief report from the Congress. 

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How to Cite
Ciurzyński, M. (2015). Report on the XIX International Congress Polish Cardiac Society – Wroclaw, 1–3th October 2015. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 8(4(29), 76-78. Retrieved from


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