The main area of OncoReview’s scientific mission is the emerging field of interdisciplinary oncology, with particular emphasis on cardio-oncology. Scientific papers published in the journal concern modern diagnostic and therapeutic methods used in this population of patients, as well as all adverse events related to anticancer treatment. Objective assessment of the benefits and risks of new oncological drugs is a unique benefit of the published works.
e-ISSN: 2450-6125 DOI: 10.24292/01.OR
Indexed in: SCOPUS: SJR = 0.125; SNIP = 0.099
Polish Journals Master List: 20 points
Index Copernicus: 116.25
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Polish Medical Bibliography
Current Issue
Vol 14 No 3(55) (2024)
Dear Readers,
it is estimated that 1.5 million women worldwide are diagnosed with breast cancer each year, and approximately 400,000 die from it. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that among the publications accepted for publication in our journal, those devoted to this clinically important problem occupy a special place.
In the current issue of “OncoReview”, a group of researchers from one of the important Indian oncology centres confirmed that among the patients with breast cancer examined there, the most common was the so-called triple negative breast cancer (TNBC), accompanied by high Ki-67 expression. This pathological constellation was also associated with higher aggressiveness of the disease.
In turn, a group of Polish clinical oncologists in their review article deals with the problem of mechanisms of action of selected environmental xenoestrogens, which may be risk factors for the development of breast cancer.
In each issue of our journal, we try to present interesting case reports that are important for modern clinical practice. In this one we would like to draw your attention to an elegant presentation on the innovative treatment of congenital thrombocytopenic purpura using metalloproteinase ADAMTS13. As always, I wish you an enlightening read.
Radosław Grabysa, MD, PhD, Associate Professor
Published: 2024-12-31