Pharmacotherapy in patients with depression; focus on insomnia Case report

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Sławomir Murawiec


The article discusses the pharmacotherapy depression with special attention focused on problem of insomnia in its course. Insomnia has multiple negative effects on both the course of depressive episode and the functioning of patient in the context of stressful situations. A case report is presented of a female patient treated with mirtazapine who achieved significant improvement in depressive symptoms as well as resolution of sleep problems as a result of treatment. Switching to trazodone resulted in clinical deterioration, recurrence of depressive symptoms and sleep disturbances. Expert recommendations were discussed which clearly indicate that a person reporting sleep disorders should be carefully diagnosed to uncover the underlying health problem. In many cases, this problem is an episode of depression. Drugs mentioned as effective in the treatment of depression with sleep disorders include mirtazapine, mianserin, trazodone and agomelatine.

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How to Cite
Murawiec , S. (2020). Pharmacotherapy in patients with depression; focus on insomnia. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 13(1(46), 67-73.


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