The role of lamotrigine in the treatment of epilepsy – a cases’ report Case report

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Magdalena Kowalska


In the article, we investigate the use of lamotrigine in patients required special caution during the epilepsy treatment. Lamotrigine provides optimal control of the disease before pregnancy, which gives a chance to maintain this state during pregnancy. Lamotrigine has not got a teratogenic effect, that’s why it can be administrated during pregnancy. In patients with comorbid mood disorders, lamotrigine is stabilizing neuronal membranes and inhibition of glutamate release, both cause the antidepressant and normothymic effect. This effect is so strong that currently, lamotrigine has a registered indication in the prevention of depressive episodes in patients with bipolar I disorder, in whom depressive episodes predominate.

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How to Cite
Kowalska, M. (2019). The role of lamotrigine in the treatment of epilepsy – a cases’ report. Medycyna Faktow (J EBM), 12(1(42), 40-43.


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