6 clinical profiles of patients in whom it is worth to use of azithromycin

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Adam J. Sybilski


The choice of an appropriate antibiotic is a key decision in the treatment of bacterial infections. Especially for children it is very important. In everyday outpatient practice, we use empirical antibiotic therapy. To be effective, we must accurately define indications, assess the potential benefits, spectrum antibiotic and possible adverse reactions. The article presents the clinical profiles of patients (children) in whom it is worth to use of azithromycin.


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Sybilski , A. J. (2016). 6 clinical profiles of patients in whom it is worth to use of azithromycin. Alergoprofil, 12(2), 53-57. Retrieved from https://www.journalsmededu.pl/index.php/alergoprofil/article/view/859


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