Local allergic rhinitis

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Piotr Rapiejko
Andrzej Emeryk


Rhinitis represents global health problems for all age groups. The prevalence of rhinitis in Poland, especially allergic rhinitis, has dramatically increased in the past two decades. Rhinitis symptoms: congestion, rhinorrhea, sneezing and nasal pruritis can significantly affect the quality of life. Allergic rhinitis diagnosis is based on medical history, positive skin pick tests with allergens and/or high level of serum specific anty-IgE antibodies. In 24–56% of cases local allergic rhinitis can be diagnosed, where nasal provocation test with allergen confirms the diagnosis. The authors present the current state of knowledge on local allergic rhinitis.


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Rapiejko , P., & Emeryk , A. (2019). Local allergic rhinitis. Alergoprofil, 15(3), 3-9. https://doi.org/10.24292/01.AP.153200819


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