Cardiac impedance in hypertension treatment Review article

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Wiktor Niewiadomski
Przemysław Guzik
Anna Gąsiorowska
Anna Strasz
Gerard Cybulski


Various hemodynamic parameters determine preload, afterload, myocardial contractility, the amount of circulating blood and the mechanical properties of the arterial system. Number of hemodynamic parameters like stroke volume, cardiac output or systemic vascular resistance can be measured non-invasively by cardiac impedance. These hemodynamic variables define arterial blood pressure level and their modification is helpful in the selection of pharmacological therapy of hypertension. Reports from several clinical studies show that antihypertensive therapy based on hemodynamic measurements by cardiac impedance is more effective than recommendation-based treatment in achieving blood pressure <140/90 mmHg.


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Niewiadomski , W., Guzik , P., Gąsiorowska , A., Strasz , A., & Cybulski , G. (2010). Cardiac impedance in hypertension treatment. Cardiology in Practice, 4(4), 131-137. Retrieved from


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