Elevated serum cardiac troponin in non-acute coronary syndrome Review article

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Sławomir Tymiński


Cardiac troponins (CTn) are the most sensitive and specific markers of myocardial injury and cardiovascular risk stratification. Elevation of cTn in non-ACS is a marker of increased all-cause and cardiac morbidity and mortality. The cause of these elevations due to serious may involve serious medical conditions that require rigorous diagnostic evaluation and aggressive therapy. At present, there are no guidelines to treat patients with elevated troponin levels and no history of coronary disease. The proceeding strategy with elevated troponin and non-ACS involves diagnosis and treating the underlying causes.


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Tymiński , S. (2014). Elevated serum cardiac troponin in non-acute coronary syndrome. Cardiology in Practice, 8(3), 34-41. Retrieved from https://www.journalsmededu.pl/index.php/kwp/article/view/1529


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