Internal jugular valve incompetence Review article

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Łucja Gadomska
Grzegorz Styczyński


Internal jugular vein valve is the only valve between right atrium of the heart and the cerebral vessels and prevent retrograde cerebral venous flow. This paper is the literature review which provides a brief update on prevalence of internal jugular valve incompetence in central system disorders related to cerebral outflow obstruction and hypotheses of its causal relation. Internal jugular valve incompetence was described in patients with heart failure, tricuspid insufficiency, COPD, asthma, primary pulmonary hypertension and after a cannulation of the internal jugular valve or due to other cardiac surgical procedures. It is postulated to provoke cough syncope, primary exertional headache and idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus.


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Gadomska , Łucja, & Styczyński , G. (2009). Internal jugular valve incompetence. Cardiology in Practice, 3(3), 98-102. Retrieved from


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